zwei Tageszeit

Diskutiere zwei Tageszeit im Forum Afrikanische Prachtfinken im Bereich Prachtfinken - Two days time - zwei Tageszeit Hello everyone, I am going to buy 3 pairs of Purple Grenadiers in 2 days time. I intend putting the cocks in...

William Astor

Two days time - zwei Tageszeit

Hello everyone,

I am going to buy 3 pairs of Purple Grenadiers in 2 days time.
I intend putting the cocks in a cage and the hens in another cage.

I will be feeding these birds plenty of livefood to help their immune system.

I am worried that this will make the males come into breeding condition and possibly become aggressive.
Do you think the Purple Grenadier cocks could kill each other ?
Can the hens kill each other as well ?

Please advise me as to what to do.

Thank you.


Übersetzung Versuch
Hallo jeder,

Ich werde 3 Paare der Veilchenastrilde in einer 2 Tageszeit kaufen. Ich beabsichtige, die Hahnen in einen Vogelkäfig und die Hennen einsetzend in einen anderen Vogelkäfig. Ich werde diesen Vögel viel von Lebendfutter einziehen, um ihrem Immunsystem zu helfen.

Ich werde gesorgt, der dieses die Männer kommen in das zuchstimmung und aggressive vielleicht werden läßt.
Denken Sie den Veilchenastrilde, den Hahnen sich töten konnten?
Können die Hennen außerdem sich töten?
Beraten Sie mich bitte hinsichtlich was zu tun.

Danke. William
Hallo William!

Wenn Du 2,1 Veilchenastrilde hälst, dann streiten 2,0 Veilchenastrilde um eine 0,1, bis er den Männchen tötet. Lieber hälst Du 1,1 Veilchenastrilde allein. Wenn Du mehrere Volieren hast, dann kannst Du jeden Paar Veilchenastrilde halten. Die Weibchen sind friedlich und töten nicht.
You must be very carefull with putting 2 or more males of the Purple Grenadier in one cage.
Specially if they are single widows kept alone for some time, freshly imported birds is something else.
It's better to put them as a pair in one cage with some other birds, but be clever and watch your birds very closely.
In 10 minutes a lot can happen from nothing to severely wounded birds to killed birds, mostly the hens as the victim, but don't underestimate hens, they are just the same devils.
That's all done in the blink of an eye, don't say I didn't warn you.

Grenadiers hate Cordon Bleus and Parrot Finches so be careful with them too.
I thank you for warning me. However there is contradictory information about the aggressive nature of Purple Grenadiers.

Veilchenastrild Purple Grenadier Uraeginthus ianthinogaster

An American breeder says that you have to have only one pair of Purple Grenadiers in a room otherwise the male Purple Grenadier will attack his hen out of displaced aggression if he sees other cocks caged in the same room and cannot directly attack them.

But another American breeder told me the opposite and she even told me that she houses her Purple Grenadiers with Cordon Bleus and Forbes parrot finches quite safely !

She told me that she has had 3 pairs of Purple Grenadiers each pair in a separate flight with other birds in her living room for the past 2 years without any killing or even fighting.
I will quote what she told me...

“ I have one pair of red cheeked cordon bleus in with one pair of Purple Grenadiers. They are in breeding flights along with other species, all of them in single pairs. There are Dybowski twinspots, Gouldians, Owls, White headed nuns, Forbes parrot finches in with them.

Schmetterlingsastrild Red-cheeked Cordon bleu Uraeginthus bengalus
Dybowskiastrild Dybowski's Twinspot Euschistospiza dybowskii
Gouldamadine Gouldian Finch Chloebia gouldiae
Ringelastrild Bicheno Finch Poephila bichenovii
Weißkopfnonne White-headed Nun Lonchura maja
Forbespapageiamadine Forbes Parrot Finch Erythrura tricolor

The Purple Grenadiers will not bother any one - I have each pair of 3 pairs in with these finches and they never ever have bothered anyone in 2 years. They will chase any bird away from their nest, but I've never seen them attack anyone, including the cordon bleus.

What is more, I've had my red cheeked Cordon Bleus and each of the other species in with the Purple Grenadiers for well over two years. And the flight cages are 115 cms wide x 92 cms high - that is they are not gigantic. There is absolutely no aggression between the species. I, too, had heard about the possibility of aggression with Purple Grenadiers but I've never experienced it and I have 3 pairs. All my birds are in the same room (my living room) and the flights are all within view and sound of each other. NO ONE - not the Purple Grenadiers or anyone else - has ever killed their mate. Chicks - well, that's a different story. But waxbills in captivity are known to throw their young out of the nest. But they can all see each other and hear each other quite easily. “

Can you comment on the above information ?

One thing that is puzzling me is how the male Purple Grenadier can so swiflty kill. Does he use his beak as a spear to smash the skull ? How does he kill ?

Thank you.

I don't want to comment on anybody else's experiences, I have had them for numerous years, and bred them quite often, and in my experience I say: Be carefull, it's a costly affair buying a new hen every few months.
It can even happen with true breeding pairs.

How he kills, chasing till he has got the hen exhausted in a corner of the cage, picking her to death and pulling all het feathers out.

DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THE AGGRESSION of the male from the Grenadier and the Twinspot families.
Thema: zwei Tageszeit

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