Goldbreasts Goldbrüstchen - Unrelated Pairs

Diskutiere Goldbreasts Goldbrüstchen - Unrelated Pairs im Forum Afrikanische Prachtfinken im Bereich Prachtfinken - Hello, I would like to breed two or more UNRELATED LINES of Goldbreasts - Goldbrüstchen and for this I would like to ring the birds with...

William Astor


I would like to breed two or more UNRELATED LINES of Goldbreasts - Goldbrüstchen and for this I would like to ring the birds with colour plastic rings in order to identify those birds that like each other.

I have tried ringing Goldbreasts using the smallest split plastic rings produced in England but these rings are still far too big and many times I found that the ring slid down and trapped the claws of the bird. I noticed this because the bird ended up limping.
Is there someone in Europe who manufacturers colour plastic rings that will NOT slide down when they are placed on a Goldbreast’s foot ?

Alternatively, do you know of a cheap Artist’s paint that comes in different colours that I can safely paint on the tails of the Goldbreasts i.e. that will not harm the birds if they preen for example ?

Preferably, the paint must not dissolve in water because my birds all have access to an automatic bathing system and so can bathe anytime they like. But I would also be interested in knowing what safe paint I could use that dissolves in water.

I think this question should interest a great many people who breed Goldbreasts because it will allow them to breed unrelated lines of Goldbreasts. As far as I know, breeding related birds will bring about infertility and genetic diseases sooner or later.

Hallo William!

Schreib bitte doch mal auf deutsch. Die meiste Deutsche verstehen sich besser deutsch als englisch. -Danke!-
william astor fragt, ob es in europa ringe gibt die klein genug sind um sie goldbrüstchen überzuziehen, und wenn ja wo er diese erwerben kann.

weiter fragt er, welche farbe er benutzen könnte um die vögel zu markieren, ohne ihnen zu schaden, weil er keine möglichkeit hat ihnen passende ringe überzuziehen.

Mich würde interessieren, wie groß die Ringe sind mit denen du es bisher versucht hast.

I´d like to know what size the rings you used were.

aber der beitrag ist ja doch schon ziemlich alt.

Die kleinsten Plastikringe, die ich in England kaufen kann, haben einen internen Durchmesser von 2.3 Millimeter. Aber diese bleiben nicht auf den Füßen des goldbrüstchen für eine lange Zeit.


You can buy Rings with 2.0 millimetres somewhere here. Thats what a user here suggested to me. (sigg)
But the only place, where I could find such rings was the AZ. Thats a big german association for breeders. ( You have to be a member to get the rings. Perhaps there is any club in england, too?

I also read about 1.8 millimetres rings, but couldnt find any.
in germany we have the 2.0 mm rings, for a few years ago we had also the 1,8 mm
Thema: Goldbreasts Goldbrüstchen - Unrelated Pairs

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