Dunkelroter Amarant Ringdurchmesser bitte

Diskutiere Dunkelroter Amarant Ringdurchmesser bitte im Forum Afrikanische Prachtfinken im Bereich Prachtfinken - Can you please tell me whether this species takes size 2.2 or size 2.5 mm metal rings please ? I need to know as soon as possible please. Thank...

William Astor

Can you please tell me whether this species takes size 2.2 or size 2.5 mm metal rings please ? I need to know as soon as possible please.
Thank you.

FliegendeHollaender schrieb:
I would advise 2.5mm

Thank you Hans,

1. I am particularly interested in knowing what Estrildid species take rings with a diameter of 2.5 mm and those that take rings with a diameter of 2.0 mm. Can you list these species down for me please ?

2. In England we have rings with a diameter[ inner diameter ] of 2.1 and 2.4 mm. Do you have these ring diameters in Germany ?

3. Can you tell me where I can order closed aluminium rings in Holland or Germany [ website would be great ] and do I have to belong to a bird club in order to be sold these ?


William Astor schrieb:
1. I am particularly interested in knowing what Estrildid species take rings with a diameter of 2.5 mm and those that take rings with a diameter of 2.0 mm. Can you list these species down for me please ?

To be honest 2mm is only suitable for the smallest finches f.e. Goldbreast, and the smallest Estrilda species, although I would advise the 2.3mm rings for those Estrildas too
2.3mm is a good ring size for the larger Estrilda, Firefinch (L. senegala), Cordon Blues
2.5mm is a good size for the larger Lagonosticta species, the twinspots, the grenadiers, cutthroats etc.

William Astor schrieb:
2. In England we have rings with a diameter[ inner diameter ] of 2.1 and 2.4 mm. Do you have these ring diameters in Germany ?

I can't tell about Germany, but in Holland we have 2mm, 2.3mm, 2.5mm, 2.7mm, 2.9mm etc.

William Astor schrieb:
3. Can you tell me where I can order closed aluminium rings in Holland or Germany [ website would be great ] and do I have to belong to a bird club in order to be sold these ?

In Germany both the AZ http://www.azvogelzucht.de/ and the DKB http://www.dkb-online.de/ sell rings, the AZ has plastic rings, I don't know about the DKB.
In Holland you can order aluminium rings from the NBvV http://www.nbvv.nl/ and the ANBvV http://www.anbvv.nl/
These bird societies do only supply rings to their members.

You can also order aluminium rings from a private company in Holland:
Fa vd Laar
Boerenkamplaan 42
5712AG Someren
phone +31 493 491283
minimum number of rings: 40pcs
Dunkelroter Amarant

Hallo William

2,0 Ringe würde ich nicht bestellen den du müsstest die Vögel sehr bald beringen und einige Arten mögen das gar nicht.
Es ist besser mit 2,3 oder 2,5 zuberingen.
Du wolltest wissen welche Vögel mit 2,0 beziehungsweise 2,3 beringt werden ich kann dir da die Richtlinien der AZ (Arterhaltung durch Zucht)geben.
2,o= Prachtfinken bis Grauastrildengröße,sehr kleine Weichfresser
2,3=Kleine Nektarvögel,Kleiner Kubafink,Ringelamadinen,Timor_Reisfink, Prachtfinken bis Schmetterlingsfinkgröße
2,5=Raza Espanola, Zebrafink
2,8=Tropfenastrild,Spitzschwanzamadine, Goulds,Papagei_Schilf_Diamantamadine,Gürtelamadine,usw

Ich beringe immer eine Nummer größer als angegeben Amaranten 2,3 oder 2,5 ich richte mich immer dabei wie die Eltern sich verhalten,bei einem Paar das Nistkontrollen nicht mag warte ich immer bis zum ersten Ausfliegen und beringe sie dann.So habe ich weniger verluste durch das rauswerfen der Jungtiere.
Die Ringe kannst du über die AZ beziehen aber nur bei MItgliedschaft und du bekommst jeden Monat eine Zeitschrift mit sehr ausführlichen berichten.
Hier noch die emailadresse :Gechaeftsstelle@azvogelzucht.de
Ich hoffe es findet sich jemand der dir das übersetzt.
Hoffe ich konnte dir helfen.
Gruß Michelle 2
FliegendeHollaender schrieb:
In Germany both the AZ
and the DKB
sell rings, the AZ has plastic rings, I don't know about the DKB.
Thank you Hans.
Am I right in thinking that I need to become a member of the AZ in order to buy Aluminium rings or split plastic rings from them ?
Can you give me some idea of the printed information that will be on the rings ?
e.g. ring information on British rings issued by A.C. Hughes is as follows
Example : 17 WA 04 B

Where the number 17 on the left is the ring number; the WA are the initials of the breeder; the 04 are the last two digits of the current year, the B is the ring size.

I have a further question on Aluminium rings.
Do you know of a company that manufacturers and sells metal closed rings that have their information printed by LASER ?

Regarding split rings, I have a persistent problem. It has to do with split ringing Goldbreasts = Goldbrüstchen = Amandava subflava

Have you known anyone to successfully split ring Goldbreasts with the rings not sliding down and trapping the bird’s claws ?
If you have, can you tell me where they bought the split rings from please ?
I am surprised that no one seems to know how to identify Goldbreasts on this forum.
It is important to identify Goldbreasts for selective breeding purposes.
Can you also tell me whether people generally breed their Goldbreasts as a colony of 3 or more pairs in a large flight or do they breed them as a single pair in a large cage ?

I encourage anyone on this forum to follow Michelle’s example and answer me in German if you are not very good at expressing yourself in English. I should be able to understand most of what you tell me if you write in simple German and avoid the use of slang and idioms.

Many thaks for your help and tips...!


Michelle 2 schrieb:
Hallo William

Ich hoffe es findet sich jemand der dir das übersetzt.
Hoffe ich konnte dir helfen.
Gruß Michelle 2

Hello Michelle,

I am glad that you answered me in German because I think I can now understand about 80% of written German. I have made up a list of English and German bird related words and I find that this helps a lot since the translation engine does not translate these words. I would encourage anyone reading this to answer me in German if they have some information to give me with regard questions that I put to the Forum in English. I should be able to understand most of what you tell me if you write in simple German and avoid the use of slang and idioms.

May I ask what Firefinch species you have ?
Firefinch species = Amarantarten

Thank you.

William Astor schrieb:
Am I right in thinking that I need to become a member of the AZ in order to buy Aluminium rings or split plastic rings from them ?
As I said the AZ has plastic rings and no aluminium rings, and these plastic rings are no split rings but closed rings

William Astor schrieb:
Thank you Hans.
Can you give me some idea of the printed information that will be on the rings ?
That is different for every bird society

William Astor schrieb:
I have a further question on Aluminium rings.
Do you know of a company that manufacturers and sells metal closed rings that have their information printed by LASER ?
Read the above mentioned websites all information is available there
Thema: Dunkelroter Amarant Ringdurchmesser bitte

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