Züchter in der Schweiz?

Diskutiere Züchter in der Schweiz? im Forum Sperlingspapageien im Bereich Papageien - I am writing in English because my German is very ungrammatical. Very sorry about this! I can read German, though. I am trying to find a...


I am writing in English because my German is very ungrammatical. Very sorry about this! I can read German, though.

I am trying to find a Sperlingspapagei in Switzerland. (All colours/types are good, but I want a tame bird familiar with humans.) I live in Zurich, but will travel if needed. I found breeder lists on this site, but they are quite old: is there anything more recent?

Advice on a bird vet in Zurich would also be very welcome, just in case.

I am deeply grateful in advance for any help!

I can give you Name and Adress vom Breeders in Switzerland. (EMAIL)

Best Reegards

I can give you Name and Adress vom Breeders in Switzerland. (EMAIL)

Best Reegards

That would be great. I think I just sent you an email with my email address... I hope this works.

Thank you so much! I will try to improve my german so i can post here sensibly.
hi hanna,
here are some people, who can understand english, perhaps only a few ( not the people, mean the language :D ) , but it works.
welcome here
hi hanna,
here are some people, who can understand english, perhaps only a few ( not the people, mean the language :D ) , but it works.
welcome here

Thank you! And such a nice icon photo... But almost everyone has great icon photos here.

thank you, too :D , much of the icons are great, my one`s are my favorits, coz, they are not afraid, comming to me, and fly in the whole house, upstairs to downstairs and back. crazy one`s, really
Thema: Züchter in der Schweiz?

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