Vogelgrippe in Südkorea

Diskutiere Vogelgrippe in Südkorea im Forum Vogelgrippe / Geflügelpest im Bereich Allgemeine Foren - +++ Seoul (dpa) - Die südkoreanischen Behörden haben einen erneuten Ausbruch der Vogelgrippe bestätigt. Bei Tests an toten Hühnern wiesen sie das...
Alfred Klein

Alfred Klein

Depp vom Dienst ;-)
+++ Seoul (dpa) - Die südkoreanischen Behörden haben einen erneuten Ausbruch der Vogelgrippe bestätigt. Bei Tests an toten Hühnern wiesen sie das gefürchtete H5N1-Virus nach. Sämtliche Tiere der betroffenen Geflügelhaltung in der Stadt Iksan seien getötet und vergraben worden, heißt es vom Landwirtschaftsministerium. Die Bluttests wurden an den toten Tieren durchgeführt, nachdem rund 6000 von 13 000 Hühnern in dem Zuchtbetrieb innerhalb weniger Tage verendet waren. Das H5N1-Virus kann auch für Menschen gefährlich werden. +++
Vergraben? Sieht nicht danach aus, als wären die Behörden auf dem neuesten Stand....
In Südkorea scheint man ja noch gründlicher zu sein als bei uns. Da sollen alle Katzen und Hunde in der Umgebung auch gleich gekillt werden. Da man die dort ja sowieso auch verspeist, kümmert das wohl kaum jemanden ….

Monday November 27, 2006
South Korea to kill cats, dogs over bird flu fears
SEOUL, South Korea (AP): South Korea plans to kill cats and dogs to try to prevent the spread of bird flu after an outbreak of the deadly H5N1 virus at a chicken farm last week, officials said Monday.
Animal health experts, however, suggested it was "a bit of an extreme measure'' when there was no definitive scientific evidence to suggest that cats or dogs could pass the virus to humans.
Quarantine officials have already killed 125,000 chickens within a 500-meter (1,650-foot) radius of the outbreak site in Iksan, about 250 kilometers (155 miles) south of Seoul, the Agriculture Ministry said.
Officials began slaughtering poultry on Sunday, a day after they confirmed that the outbreak was caused by the H5N1 strain.
They plan to slaughter a total of 236,000 poultry, as well as an unspecified number of other animals, including pigs, and all dogs and cats in the area by Thursday, the ministry said. About 6 million eggs also will be destroyed, it said.
Slaughtering cats and dogs near an area infected with bird flu would be highly unusual in Asia. Indonesia has killed pigs in the past, but most countries concentrate solely on destroying poultry.
However, it would not be the first time for South Korea to kill cats and dogs due bird flu concerns. An official at the Agriculture Ministry said South Korea had slaughtered cats and dogs along with 5.3 million birds during the last known outbreak of bird flu in 2003.
The official declined to be named, saying he was not authorized to talk to media.
Dogs are slaughtered for consumption in South Korea, where many people enjoy dog meat as a delicacy. South Koreans slaughter dogs that are specially bred for eating, rather than as pets.
Another ministry official, Kim Chang-sup, insisted killing cats and dogs to curtail the spread of bird flu was not an unusual practice.
"Other countries do it. They just don't talk about it,'' Kim said, adding that all mammals are potentially subject to the virus and that South Korea is just trying to take all possible precautionary measures. He declined to comment further.
But animal experts disputed the validity in culling cats and dogs.
"It's highly unusual, and it's not a science-based decision,'' said Peter Roeder, a Rome-based animal health expert with the U.N.'s Food and Agricultural Organization or FAO, who published research about cats and bird flu earlier this year in the journal Nature. "We've got absolutely no reason to believe they're important,'' he told The Associated Press.
Dr. Jeff Gilbert, an animal health expert at the FAO in Vietnam, described South Korea's plan as "a bit of an extreme measure.''
He said dogs and cats have been known to occasionally become infected, but they pose little risk to humans and that in most cases, the animal has contracted the virus through eating infected poultry.
Tigers and snow leopards in a Thailand zoo died in 2003 and 2004 after being fed infected chicken carcasses. Earlier this year, a few domestic cats tested positive for the virus in Europe.
Meanwhile, Hong Kong's Center for Food Safety said Monday it will suspend South Korean poultry imports over bird flu concerns. Japan already announced a temporary suspension of South Korean poultry imports last week.
The Hong Kong center said it will seek further information about the case from South Korean authorities. Hong Kong imported 900 tons of frozen poultry from South Korea in the first eight months of this year.
The H5N1 virus began ravaging Asian poultry stocks in late 2003 and has killed at least 153 people worldwide.
So far, the disease remains hard for people to catch, and most human cases have been traced to contact with infected birds. But experts fear it will mutate into a form that is easily spread among people, possibly creating a pandemic that could kill millions. South Korea has also been hit by a low-grade strain of bird flu that is not harmful to humans.
North Korea, meanwhile, has stepped up prevention measures, by inoculating poultry and closely monitoring migratory birds, the country's official Korean Central News Agency reported Monday.
Bird flu hit North Korea early last year, prompting the slaughter of about 210,000 chickens and other poultry. No new cases of bird flu have since been reported.

Thema: Vogelgrippe in Südkorea

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