Taube ist Blind

Diskutiere Taube ist Blind im Forum Stadttauben im Bereich Tauben - syamasundara ist nun wieder fitt und wuerde so gerne fliegen. manchmal versucht sie es. und wenn weit und breit nur endlose weiten sind geht das...
Wie schön. Dann macht die süße ja Fortschritte.
Das freut mich.

Hallo John!

Super daß die kleine immer fitter wird!
Wenn man bedenkt, wie schlimm sie am Anfang dran war. Wahnsinn. Und jetzt ist sie so gut dabei... Dank Deiner guten Pflege!:beifall:

Könnte man die südamerikanische Schönheit von dem Foto (Das Mädchen, nicht die Taube) denn nicht für ein Taubenprojekt gewinnen?:zwinker: Sie sieht sehr lieb aus und hat wie Du schriebst, ja Taubenerfahrung!

Viele Grüße von
Ausreisen mit der Taube erweist sich sehr schwierig, aber es wird ein platz fuer sie in La Pay und umgebung gesucht.


  • IMG_1965b.jpg
    78,6 KB · Aufrufe: 45
Hallo John!

Die kleine ist ja so süß!
Mausert das Täubchen? Am Hals und um den Schnabel herum sehen die Federn so zerzaust aus.

Ich drücke Euch die Daumen, daß ihr eine Lösung findet. Und vielleicht klappt es ja doch noch, daß Du Syamasundara mitnehmen kannst...

Viele Grüße von
also das blind bzw. wenig sehen ist enorm bessergeworden.

sie fliegt regelmaessig immer oefters kleine kreise und kehrt zu mir zuruek.

ob sie sich mehr nach meiner stimme orientiert oder schon genug sehen kann ist schwer zu beurteilen. aber sie macht unglaubliche fortschritte.

filme und fotos folgen. lgJ
meine Güte...wo Sony jetzt schon überall die Finger drin hat... und so schnell...:nene:
Dann ist es doch besser, wenn Du zur Untermalung Deiner Videos selber singst :zwinker:
lg simone
Hallo John,
ich glaube, Syamasundara hat einen Freund gefunden :)
das ist ein kampf kumpl und meistens ist Syamasundara der staerkere. hab glaub vergessen die laedy zu knipsn .. ich gux mal ..
Hallo John!

Gehe ich auf den baxin-Link, dann erscheint nur eine Zeile mit kyrillischen Buchstaben. Was sind denn Baxin-Impfstoffe? "baxin" ist doch wahrscheinlich nur eine Firma, ein Hersteller?
Gegen was müßtest Du die Taube impfen lassen, wenn Du sie mitnehmen wolltest?

Viel Erfolg und viele Grüße von
tibbie :0-
weis nicht ob die inf die richtig ist, ich denk es geht da um vogelgrippe und gefahr von lungenentzuendung ..

ich geh morgen nachmittag mal mit der taube zur oesterreichischen botschaft ..

inhalt der web:

Biaxin drug


Asthma | Respiratory
ACC (Acetylcystein)
Advair (fluticasone/salmeterol)
Albuterol (Salbutamol)
Naphcon-A (naphazoline)
Zithromax (Azithromycin)
Immune system
Immunal (Echinacea Extract)
Imuran (Azathioprine)


Asthma problems
Asthma occurs when the airways in your lungs (bronchial tubes) become inflamed and constricted. The muscles of the bronchial walls tighten, and your airways produce extra mucus that blocks your airways.
Chlamydia, Diagnosis And Treatment Of Chlamydia

Chlamydia - an infectious disease, sexually transmitted diseases.

New research shows that the widely used pain reliever acetaminophen may be associated with an increased risk of asthma...
Examining chlamydia effects
Chlamydia has been termed one of modern times' most overlooked ailments with more than 75% of its sufferers not even aware that they are carrying it. In the United States alone, Chlamydia afflicts over a million people, the majority of which are teenagers.
Chlamydia Trachomatis
Chlamydia trachomatis are the bacteria that cause the most common sexually transmitted disease in North America, Chlamydia. Infants may contract chlamydia if their mother had the disease while pregnant during vaginal childbirth. There are several dangers of chlamydia trachomatis in infants...
Biaxin drug is in a group of drugs called macrolide antibiotics. It fights bacteria in your body.
Biaxin drug is used to treat many different types of bacterial infections affecting the skin and respiratory system. It is also used together with other medicines to treat stomach ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori.
Biaxin drug can interact with other medication. That's why is best to tell your doctor about other drugs are used, especially Cisapride (Propulsid), Terfebadine (Seldane) or Pimozide (Orap). This Biaxin drug can cause a heart condition if they are combined with Biaxin drug. Patients with kidney or liver disease must avoid the use of Biaxin drug. It is necessary the dosage of Biaxin drug must be very careful monitored.

There is a potential risk for breastfeeding or pregnant women. It is best to discuss with the doctor the risks of Biaxin drug.

Infertility - A Possible Infection. Biaxin drug:

The main cause of infertility on women is the uterine infection.Usually this type of infection in hidden. That's way if you are trying to get pregnant you must take antibiotics for a possible infection. And if that doesn't help, you may go to an infertility doctor. Many studies show that about 60% of women had an infection in the past (ureaplasma, mycoplasma, Chlamydia).

You should avoid to have many partners in your sexual life in order to reduce the risk of a possible infection. You can get the infection from one contact. The infection block the uterine tubes - preventing pregnancy. Also it can cause low birth weight or premature birth. The symptoms of these kind of infections are : discomfort when the bladder is full, burning on urination. Worse is that there may be a urinary tract infection without any symptoms at all.

These kind of infection can be cure with a treatment with Zithromax or Biaxin drug. Biaxin drug is part of the class of antibiotics called Macrolides (narrow-spectrum drugs). Macrolides restrict the ability of bacteria to multiply further. Macrolides are known as drugs with a minimum of side effects. The most popular macrolides are Klacid MR and Biaxin drug.

Another application of Biaxin drug is sinus infection medicine. The sinus infections are a big problem for the people around the globe.

Always consult a doctor before starting using antibiotics. It's quite dangerous to take antibiotics without a doctor prescription. Always you should finish your prescription. Don't stop taking any kind of antibiotic even if you feel better, because the organism can become very resistant.

How should I take Biaxin drug?

Take Biaxin drug exactly as it was prescribed for you. Do not take the medication in larger amounts, or take it for longer than recommended by your doctor. Follow the directions on your prescription label.

Take this medication with a full glass (8 ounces) of water.

Biaxin tablets and oral suspension (liquid) can be taken with or without food.

Clarithromycin extended-release tablets (Biaxin XL) should be taken with food Do not crush, chew, or break an extended-release tablet. Swallow the pill whole. It is specially made to release medicine slowly in the body. Breaking the pill would cause too much of the drug to be released at one time. Shake the oral suspension well just before you measure a dose. To be sure you get the correct dose, measure the liquid with a marked measuring spoon or medicine cup, not with a regular table spoon. If you do not have a dose-measuring device, ask your pharmacist for one. Take Biaxin drug for the entire length of time prescribed by your doctor. Biaxin drug is usually given for 7 to 14 days (or longer when treating stomach ulcer). Your symptoms may get better before the infection is completely treated. Biaxin drug will not treat a viral infection such as the common cold or flu. Store Biaxin drug at room temperature away from moisture and heat. Do not keep the oral liquid in a refrigerator.
What happens if I miss a dose Biaxin drug?

Take the missed dose as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and take the medicine at the next regularly scheduled time. Do not take extra medicine to make up the missed dose.
What happens if I overdose Biaxin drug?

Seek emergency medical attention if you think you have used too much of this medicine.

Overdose symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal discomfort.
What should I avoid while taking Biaxin drug?

Antibiotic medicines can cause diarrhea, which may be a sign of a new infection. If you have diarrhea that is watery or has blood in it, call your doctor. Do not use any medicine to stop the diarrhea unless your doctor has told you to.

Biaxin drug side effects:

Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Call your doctor at once if you have any of these serious side effects:

*Biaxin drug - uneven heartbeats, chest pain, shortness of breath;
*Biaxin drug - diarrhea that is watery or bloody;
*Biaxin drug - nausea, stomach pain, low fever, loss of appetite, dark urine, clay-colored stools, jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes);
*Biaxin drug - fever, sore throat, and headache with a severe blistering, peeling, and red skin rash; or
*Biaxin drug - problems with your hearing.

Less serious Biaxin side effects may include:

*Biaxin drug - mild stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, upset stomach;
*Biaxin drug - unusual or unpleasant taste in your mouth;
*Biaxin drug - tooth discoloration;
*Biaxin drug - dizziness, headache, anxiety, confusion;
*Biaxin drug - skin rash; or
*Biaxin drug - vaginal itching or discharge.
Thema: Taube ist Blind

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